Monday, December 3, 2007

No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed: Got Rights

The video interested me, but I had a hard time following some of the conversation. This could be because of how informal it was.

I do not remember who said it, but one thing I liked was that moral rights are sometimes in conflict with legal rights. I mean, I liked the statement, not the idea. I feel that this is very true for both animals and people. I cannot remember if it was animals or people that the speaker was referring to. But, anyways, I feel that some of the rights that we as people have from birth are limited by the laws that we have created to make things "better."

One problem that I had with the movie was that one of the speakers, a blond lady who is a scientist, made a comment about our country being created four hundred years ago.


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Bonnie Brown, an enviromental geneticist. I think she was referring to the settlers in Plymouth and Jamestown.

Nikki said...

ah, ok. i'm a bit of a history nut. maybe she should have been clearer.