Sunday, October 21, 2007

i'm sorry for the mess, but my brain has exploded

well, thanks to all of the talk on torture my brain has exploded. i am very confused. i had been very set in my idea that it was definitely ok in certain circumstances. then i heard about water boarding. i had never really thought that in today's world that anything other than beatings were used. now that i see that there are other horrible things, i think that only certain torture is ok in certain cases. but what cases, and what torture? thinking about this is what caused my brain to explode. in the dialogue, erica points out that maybe the person doesn't really have the information. what if that happened? and now i'm questioning myself too. i had always thought that i had been apart from the reach of television's desensitization. but the fact that i think that beatings aren't as bad as other forms of torture shows that i must not have been. so now that i have a headache from all of this (or is it from the stale gum i've been chewing?) i think i will end here. and, i promise that i will eventually get around to cleaning up the mess that i made when my brain exploded.

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