Saturday, October 6, 2007

More on Animals and Morals

I don't really have all that much new to say on this topic. but, i do know that we had talked in class about beings that were merely alive, and the point was brought up about plants responding better when you talk nicely to them. I think that things that are merely alive should not even come into the conversation about morals.

I do think, though that we do need to look at the sentient beings that we are not sure if they can feel pain and pleasure or not. This means things like oysters. I thing that since it is a sentient being, we should give it the moral respect. Since we do not know if it can feel pain or pleasure, we should give it the benefit of the doubt, and try our best to not inflict pain upon it.

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Yes, we ought to err on the side of caution when it comes to the "merely" sentient (clams, etc.)

As for plants, they enter the moral sphere only indirectly, as necessary for the survival of sentient life.