Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Perception of Time

I have been thinking lately about our perceptions of time, and I remembered something that happened when I was younger:

I do not remember the exact circumstances of the event, but I do think that I was around ten or eleven. I distinctly remember laying on the floor, staring at the clock on the VCR and watching time go by. Ibelieve I was waiting for a friend to come over or for my dad to get home from work- something like that. What I do distinctly remember thinking was: "Wow, minutes aren't as quick as I once thought that they were."

This reinforces my ide that time as we know it is subjective, but not because it was a situation where time felt slow because I was watching the clock and waiting, but because after that, I never felt that a minute was a quick little thing that didn't really matter.

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