Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Other Dimensions! Yay!

I totally feel that time is another dimension. I do not say 'fourth" only because I am not sure how many dimensions there are. i have no backing whatsoever to believe this, it is just one of those things i have always believed.

But, in class there was a rather relavant point made....

This dimension is nothing like the others, so how can it be a dimension?

I don't think that this means it isn't a dimension, I think it just means that it is a different type of dimension.

I do think that there is evidence of other dimensions...even if it does not point to time. Gravity, as DKJ pointed out, is not able to be explained by the three dimensions that we have. This has to do with string theory. I will look into the theory more, but I totally think that what I've heard makes sense.

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