Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Opinion Keeps Changing

I went from 100% objective to 100% subjective. Now I am at 100% I have no idea.

WHAT IS MUSIC??? I really would like to know. I feel like I don't even know if it is based completely on sound.

In class we discussed deaf people and music. Sometimes they can feel the music. and sometimes it is in their heads, memories of the past when they could hear it Are these things still music? Or does it have to be sound waves actually picked up by an ear?

Also, one thing that I do think is necessary is for someone somewhere to find it to be aesthetically pleasing. There was debate about this in class. But, if no one found it appealing, no one would have ever said that it was music. Yes, we can not like something and say it is music, but for the most part we find music from the store the computer etc. In order for it to be deemed music there, it must have been appealing to at least one person.


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

I think music is the creative organization of sound.

Katherine L. Stine said...

Yes, I like that terminology a lot myself.