Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ok, so I read it...

I read the article. I still think that it is 100% subjective.


I like the definition: "As Organized Sound." That's what I feel that it really is. It is a way that sounds are organized to be pleasing to at least it's creator.

This brings up a question that I feel is very relevant....In Art and Philosophy, we say that art has to be human made. Music is a form of art. So by this logic, music has to be human made. But, what about birds? And other natural music? Are they not music because they are not made by humans?

1 comment:

Katherine L. Stine said...

Your feelings seem to be similar to mine. I made comparisons of art and music stemming from what we learned in AP. I tend to lean towards art and music as indefinable. I think one recognizes music and art when they hear/see it according to their individual taste. I agree as well that "organized sound" encompasses this property and supports "aesthetic emotion."

(if i read it correctly, you may want to re-read your 100% stance between the last two entries.)