Monday, March 10, 2008

Agnosticism is Fear

I personally feel that agnosticism is the easy way out. I feel that it is cowardly. I feel that it is a way for people to not have to be looked down upon by both sides. You say that you are not sure if there is a God, but you are open for it.

This looks good to athiests because you are not saying that you definitely believe in God, therefor you can perhaps be persuaded into believing that there is not a God.

On the other side, the theists are happy beause you may be swayed into believing that there is a God.

I feel that you should have an opinion and not say that you are on middleground to keep from being looked down upon.

There is either a God or there is not.

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

And, we either have good reason to believe that there is or we don't.