Thursday, March 20, 2008

This is interesting...

I know that our assignment was to find an article in favor of meat eating, but I came across this when I first did the search and found it to be interesting:

I personally was most interested in the first argument. It said that the Bible says we should eat meat. I have a few points I would like to make about this (and it connects so well to the last topic).
1. It was a very weak argument (as were most of the arguments was very biased in favor of not eating meat and decided to skimp on good arguments for meat eating). It was weak to the point of being humorous.
2. The Bible was written by humans,, and therefor can be faulty (probably would probably be a much better word than can in this case).
3. The Bible is filled with stories that are not supposed to be taken as direct truth, you are supposed to learn from them, not take them word for word.
4. The argument in response to that is so obvious, that I would thin that no one would use the Bible as an excuse to eat meat: in the Bible, women are subservient, homosexuality is immoral, premarital sex is immoral, etc. I am pretty sure that the people who follow the Bible oh so closely that they say that we must eat meat do not agree with all of the three examples I gave.
5. This assumes that everyone is Christian or at the very least everyone should be. This argument means nothing to someone who is Jewish, Muslim, or Athiest.

Anyways, I just thought that this was an interesting little tidbit of information...

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