Monday, March 24, 2008

Vegitarianism and Fear

The article I read for the most recent Q&A brought up quite an interesting point. Today's society has an absolutely ridiculous phobia of death. Hello, everything that lives has to die. It's the way that things work. People no longer look at how a life was lived, instead they look at how long said person lived. Often "living" isn't really living. Being in mass amounts of pain for years or so drugged up that you feel nothing and know nothing of the world outside of your bright white hospital room is not living. i know that no one wants to see a loved one go, and we want to hold on to them as long as possible, but that's just not possible. And with our own lives we want to grasp life as long as possible.

This does relate, I swear, just bear with me...

We see these animals being killed for meat, they live very short lives. But honestly, most domestic animals live shorter lives than humans anyways. We don't look at this all as fulfilled lives. We look at them as short lives. Anyways, what I am trying to say is that death is a part of life, so these animals are going to die no matter what. if not at our hand then there is a good chance that there will be a predator that eats them. Not kills and eats, just eats, because animals don't stop to make sure that their dinner is no longer breathing.

But, I do not under any circumstances agree with veal. How would you like it if we never gave your baby a chance to live?


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Since we're all (human and nonhuman alike) going to die someday, should we use this fact, as you do with animals, to justify one method of killing over the other or to erase obvious differences?

Nikki said...

I am not sure what you mean....Do you mean using it to kill other humans? No, I don't think so. Unless of course a person wishes to have their suffering ended, or they are suffering to the point that they cannot tell you. Did that make sense?

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

You wrote:

"Anyways, what I am trying to say is that death is a part of life, so these animals are going to die no matter what. if not at our hand then there is a good chance that there will be a predator that eats them."

And it seemed to me that you were invoking the certainty of death as a justification of our killing and eating them. However, by that logic, since all humans, too, will die, I could use that as a justification, say, of torturing, eating, or murdering them. (Of course, I don't think it works in either the case of humans or nonhumans).
